Does lentil stew sound boring to you? It did to me…until I tried it the Ethiopian way! Misir Wat (also Misir Wot) or Ethiopian spiced red lentil stew will knock your socks off, I guarantee! Misir wat is a staple throughout Ethiopia and is probably the most popular vegetarian dish. It is usually served as a side with injera (fermented flatbread), spiced collard greens, rice and/or a piece of meat. Whatever misir wat is served with, it is the star of the show! The extremely healthy and absorbent lentils are cooked with many wonderful flavors, the most important being the berbere spice. Berbere is an important blend of spices in Ethiopia. You can buy berbere or make it yourself so you can customize the flavors. Spices like paprika (lots of paprika!), cumin, cardamom, chilis and more are blended together. It is generally pretty spicy, but if you make your own berbere you can control the heat. Sammy made our berbere spice yesterday so ours is ready to go. Join us Saturday morning and he’ll give you the recipe! Getting back to the lentils in this dish! Did you know that lentils are not only one of the oldest cultivated crops, dating back to 11,000 BC, but they are also one of the healthiest foods on the planet! They are very high in protein, folate, iron, potassium and contain many antioxidants. Lentils even have three times more fiber than one serving of bran flakes and more protein than beef!

Here’s The Recipe:

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