by Sup! | Dec 14, 2020 | 12 Days of Christmas Cookies, Featured Recipes, Uncategorized
Hi Sup’er! 
Shortbread has been in Scotland since the 12th century! These delicious biscuits were even a favorite of Mary, Queen of Scots (16th century) and it is easy to see why. Today, these buttery biscuits are made for special occasions like...
by Sup! | Oct 19, 2020 | Cooking, Featured Recipes, Uncategorized, United States
Kit Kats and Reese’s are always great treats to have during Halloween, but popcorn balls are a 1950’s Halloween must-have from the United States. So…break out your poodle skirts, hula hoops, and letter sweaters and make popcorn balls for Halloween! Click...
by Sup! | Aug 27, 2020 | Cooking, Culture, Featured Recipes, Peru, Uncategorized
Hi Sup’er! 
A few years ago we invited a guest chef, Jose Victorio Alarcon of @puerto511chef to teach us how to make solterito de quinoa, a traditional dish from Peru. Its a cold refreshing salad with quinoa. This is a serious throwback…look how...
by Sammy | Sep 15, 2019 | Featured Recipes, Uncategorized
What’s Sup! sup’ers!? It’s good to have you all back for the newest installment of recipes from around the world. So without further ado…lettuce begin SEASON 4 with some amazing and delicious Latin American recipes inspired by National Hispanic Heritage...
by Sammy | Apr 19, 2019 | Uncategorized, Venezuela
Venezuela’s tallest mountain is Pico Bolivar and the top is always covered in snow! The Guiana Highlands make up over half the country and is mostly plateaus. Caracas is the capital and Angel Falls in Venezuela are the highest falls in the world!!
by Sammy | Oct 13, 2018 | Cooking, Culture, Peru, Uncategorized
Ok Super Sup’ers, are you ready?? We are going on a journey to Peru, sooooo…. alpaca your bags! Get it?? Alpacas are native animals to Peru. But we are not here to learn about alpacas…we are here to learn about Peruvian food. So, let’s get started! Did you know that...